You have taken the time and concluded a thorough keyword research to ensure the best keyword optimization. It is now time to determine how you will use your keywords and phrases for the best overall search engine optimization so that you will rank high in the search engines.

Once you've decided what keywords are relevant for your site, the work begins. You need to know how to integrate them into your content in a constructive way. You should go about this procedure in a tactful manner, if you do it hap-haphazardly by inflating your keywords or overusing your keywords the search engines will definitely figure it out sooner or later. You might be able to get to the top of the search engine rankings quite quickly, but believe me you won't stay there.
When utilizing incorporating keyword optimization there a couple of things you must be aware of. Keep in mind that not all search engines use the same algorithm, but you can still ensure by using some of the following general strategies you will achieve a better search engine ranking.
A lot of search engines will index an entire page so it's important to make sure you place your keywords throughout each and every page of your content. Also you should be utilizing the page properties of each page you create (keywords, meta tags, etc.).
A general rule to ensure good keyword optimization is making sure your web site has at least 100 words minimum of good quality content keeping in mind good keyword optimization strategies. If you are doing article writing some people say 250-300 words will do the trick, however I have found different. When I concentrate on quality versus quantity I tend to produce higher quality and high quantity simultaneously. Don't just whip out a 250 word minimum article with the sheer intent of promotion in mind, even if you have chosen good keywords, quality always comes out on top. Readers want good quality content that will actually help them solve what they are searching for.
Another tactic known to ensure good keyword optimization is 'keyword prominence' which is part of a search engines' algorithm. It simply means finding the best place to place keywords. Most of the research I have done says the closer your keywords are to the start of a sentence the better. Much research also emphasizes ending your site or article with your keywords. I do both to ensure quality keyword optimization.
Another strategy to ensure good keyword optimization is 'proximity' which simply means how close together your keywords are. In other words, putting your keywords as close together as possible within a sentence, but at the same time ensuring your sentence is clear.
Keyword Density is a clear cut strategy you want to incorporate to ensure good keyword optimization.
Keyword density measure the weight of keyword in your content, in other words how many times the keywords are being used. It is recommended that keyword density range from between 3-7%. This means for every 100 words you use your keywords should appear 3-7 times. If you go higher than this, it could qualify as spamming. Again you need to keep in mind good quality content. It can be difficult to weave in 10 keywords, but if you pick a couple of your most important keywords and repeat them, it should make things go a lot smoother.
Finally to ensure the best possible keyword optimization the last strategy you want to consider is 'frequency'. Frequency is closely related to keyword density. Search engines prefer to see the repetition of more than one or two keywords. Do concentrate on your primary (2-3) keywords, but also incorporate other keywords that you have indicated as keyword. I generally have 6-7 keywords with the main emphasis on two or three of the keywords throughout my content.
There are many tactful and proven keyword optimization strategies for ranking high in the search engines. However, many sites completely ignore them, stick with these proven strategies and you will see results. In the end your customers will appreciate good search engine optimization even if they are completely unaware of what it is. Always keep in mind that humans read your content and they are looking for good content not over used keywords.
Diana is an educator of 23 years and was first introduced to the network/affiliate marketing industry in the early 80's. Diana is now using her teaching philosophies to help turn around the 97% failure rate in the network/affiliate marketing industry. By being an affiliate with the most simplistic Network Marketing company today, Global Domains International or GDI, she is changing how people view the industry and guiding them to personal success.
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